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Safety Episodes

Nov. 3, 2022

60: Misadventures with Essential Oils (or 8 Dumb Mistakes I've Made) + Essential Oil Safety Guidelines

πŸ“³ You can now send me a text! Do you have a question? Comment? Suggestion? Testimonial? I'd love to hear from you! Summary: Get ready for a laughter and gasp-filled episode as I share some of my most embarrassing blunders and...
Feb. 7, 2019

37: Essential Oil Sensitization: Are You at Risk?

πŸ“³ You can now send me a text! Do you have a question? Comment? Suggestion? Testimonial? I'd love to hear from you! In today's episode, I continue the topic of essential oil safety from AWP Episode 036 on Phototoxicity with a ...
Jan. 3, 2019

36: Phototoxic Essential Oils to Avoid in the Sun

πŸ“³ You can now send me a text! Do you have a question? Comment? Suggestion? Testimonial? I'd love to hear from you! Summary: What You Will Learn in Episode #36 Essential oils are widely known but often improperly and in unsafe...
Nov. 20, 2014

2: Blending Guidelines For Making Safe and Effective Aromatherapy Products

πŸ“³ You can now send me a text! Do you have a question? Comment? Suggestion? Testimonial? I'd love to hear from you! For those of you just getting starting with essential oils and aromatherapy it can be overwhelming and confusi...